Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Day 3... The Sleep Struggle

No naps for Cohen today... no true deep sleep naps that is. He got about 15 minutes in the car on our way to IKEA this morning, but woke up as soon as we got there. We were on our way there to pick up an easel for the boys to use here at the house in case it ever rains again. Here's Finn checking it out after I set it up this evening:

So in an attempt to make sure that the boys both received the nap they so desperately needed with our new early morning schedule in affect, we headed to the playground on our way home from the Swedish furnishings warehouse. My hopes being (1) they'd make it to the park without falling asleep first, which they did, and (2) that they'd run off all the extra energy they had and fall asleep in the car on the way back to the house, which they did NOT.
They had a LOT of energy today.

We got home and I attempted to get the boys down. It worked with Finnegan, but Cohen got a sudden burst of energy that left the two of us some perfect bonding time! In which, I was introduced to the most adorable giggle fit when I found just the right tickle spot on his belly! See you bright and early in the morning buddy!

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