Saturday, July 12, 2008

Day 5. .. A Better One

Sorry that there aren't any pictures with this post... my camera batteries are charging after being very busy this week. I'll get photos from today (Friday) and post them this weekend.

Today went quite a bit better. I think I owe a lot of that to the very sweet gesture from Cohen's Dad this morning... When Kate dropped Cohen off, she told me that the two comforting items that Cohen depends on(a bear and a blanket) were forgotten at home. I told her it would be ok, and that we'd figure it out, so she left and we started our routine.

Cohen was happily eating his breakfast while I unloaded the dishwasher, when I heard a tapping at the front door. I turned the corner and there on the other side of the screen door was Ron, holding Cohen's Bear AND blanket in his hands. He said that he noticed them in Cohen's crib and made a point to get them to the rightful owner before he had to be at work. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU RON!!!!

The rest of the day felt a lot better. It seems as though we're all actually getting into a routine. Cohen and I have breakfast and clean up time before Brandon and Finnegan wake up. Then as soon as Brandon leaves for work, Cohen's ready for a nap, and Finn and I have our normal morning routine before Cohen wakes up to have a snack and do something fun. Today we hung out at the house and in the backyard since Kate was coming early to pick him up.

About a 1/2 hour before she got there, Cohen started getting frustrated about sharing toys and books and instead of face-grabbing (I think he knew there'd be a time-out in it for him if he was grabbing faces), he grabbed Finn's hand and bit his finger. Time out again. I feel like that's all I'm doing. Time out here, time out there, but what else am I to do when there's bodily harm involved? I'm figuring the best method is to (1)separate them immediately, and (2)Let the perpetrator (whether it's Cohen or Finn, and I know it will be Finn one of these days) know what he's done wrong and that he's not to do it again. Cohen seems to be getting the point though, so hopefully it'll pay off in the end.

Any suggestions as to how to handle physical altercations? I'm up for ideas!!!

Other than that, I think the boys are actually starting to really like each other's company. They're starting to talk to one another and play silly noise-making, giggle-fit games.

Have a great weekend. Pics up soon!


katybo79 said...

We are also working on it at home using the "Carrie" method

Amber Howard said...

Your doing a good job, keep it up! Malina was really physical when she was younger with the kids I used to babysit so everytime she got mad I would vocalize her feelings (I know you get frustrated/ mad/ upset, when you can't have the toy...etc.)and then I would tell her that it hurts her friend when she hits/ bites/ grabs (using my BEST sad-face, to convey the feeling--kids really don't want to make an adult sad) and finally say "and you really don't want to hurt your friend that you like, right ?" The empathy route seemed to really work for Malina; she didn't really respond to time outs (still doesn't!), kids are SO different....Good Luck!

' said...

Bite them back!

Okay, I didn't mean that. Time outs didn't work for Robbie. He'd do what he wanted... then say, "Dat was bad, I need a time out". I went the empathy route with him... talking about the wrong, talk about how it makes the other person feel, ask how he likes it when it happens to him, etc. This doesn't mean that he didn't also go to time out... but I don't think that part of it really worked since he'd be in the corner singing dinosaur songs at the top of his lungs.

Enjoy your blog~ and admire how often you get two boys out of the house! Good work!

Anonymous said...

Good post.