Sunday, July 6, 2008

A New Friend...

We have a new friend. His name is Cohen. Cohen is going to come hang out with Finn and me during the week while his Mom and Dad are busy at work. Our first official day is tomorrow, but we thought it might be a good idea to let him come over for a short visit before staying here without his parents for a full day. So Kate and Ron dropped him off and went out for a dinner date. Although, it was a bit shorter than we had originally planned, I think it went very well!

We played with blocks...

Then we had just enough time to read a few books and explore the depths of Finn's toy box before Cohen's parents, the fastest eaters in the world, returned.

The only issue we've experienced so far, is that Cohen likes to grab Finn's face. It's something that we'll definitely be working on, and we already saw a bit of progress during our short visit this evening. So this is why we've decided that the best name for their blog is "No Faces!".

We can't wait to begin on our new adventure in the morning. I'll be keeping this blog as a daily Journal of everything we do during Cohen's visits, so family and friends can see what Cohen and Finn have been up to. Please check back to see their fun and wild adventures!

1 comment:

Jo said...

Wonderful! Thank you so much for doing this! I am delighted that Cohen has your family to take care of him.
I was thinking about him all day yesterday and wondering how he was doing. Now I see that he had a great time!
Best wishes,
Cohen's Gramma Jo