Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Day2/2 We're Getting There!

Today was a great day to play around the house. We got breakfast, Cohen had his nap, and all 3 of us went out into the backyard for some at-home fun! Cohen really likes the Car, and the slide which I've posted pictures of before, and Finn really likes that there's someone else to play with besides Mommy. It was a wonderful morning.

We came in for lunch, and by the time the boys were done eating, it had gotten WAY too hot and sunny in the backyard, so I grabbed a few Drum like items from the kitchen, and the boys drummed away for about 5 minutes until they realized it'd be more fun to stack everything into towers. Plus Finn really likes to wear bowls as helmets.

The boys were getting along ok, until the emotional meltdown of the year. I think it was probably caused by Finn being overly ready for a nap, and Cohen not understanding why Finn was acting so Crazy.. Cohen doesn't really seem to be a fan of Crazy. Here's what happened...

Finn got a time out today for ramming his toy stroller into our dog, Darby, on purpose, which seemed to confuse Cohen because I don't think he's witnessed some one else in time-out yet. Finn got up and apologized and being crazy, went over to talk to Cohen about what happened in a very rambunctious way. Cohen didn't like it and in a gut reaction he swung the large round disc shaped toy he was holding and smacked Finn right on the head. Straight to time out. Finn's screaming from the impact, and because Cohen's in timeout, he's mad and a little sad and is trying to be heard over Finnegan. Of course, I saw this as a perfect opportunity to take pictures (note the sarcasm here)

The breakdown only lasted a few minutes, and the boys were very happy to climb up onto the couch and read a couple of stories before Finn headed off to bed and Cohen indulged in a big bowl of applesauce. Then Kate came to get him, and I took this pic:

Off to the zoo tomorrow.

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